One of the major features of java includes that why java is called platform independent language.
Before understanding this feature we need to know about -
Javac – compiler that converts source code to byte code.
JVM- interpreter that converts byte code to machine language code.
Javac – compiler that converts source code to byte code.
JVM- interpreter that converts byte code to machine language code.
As we know java is both compiler & interpreter based language. Once the java code also known as source code is compiled, it gets converted to native code known as BYTE CODE which is portable & can be easily executed on all operating systems. Byte code generated is basically represented in hexa decimal format. This format is same on every platform be it Solaris work station or Macintosh, windows or Linux. After compilation, the interpreter reads the generated byte code & translates it according to the host machine. . Byte code is interpreted by Java Virtual Machine which is available with all the operating systems we install. so to port Java programs to a new platform all that is required is to port the interpreter and some of the library routines.
Source code -> javac ->Universal byte code
Universal byte ->jvm/java -> execute them on a particular machine.
Write commentsThe blog well defines the platform independence of java. The java program runs on JVM. This JVM converts the program into byte code this byte code is interpreted by another JVM, thus accounting for platform independence.