Sunday, 28 August 2016


Virgin Ratio In India

I'm not aware of any research on this specifically.

But there is research on the average age of sexual debut, and the average age of first marriage, and you can use these numbers to make a educated guess.

In India, the average age of sexual debut is approximately 22.9 years, while the average age at first marriage is 24.1 years

It's probably a safe bet that most people have sex shortly after their marriage (if not before), and therefore that even if NOBODY had sex before marriage that the average age of debut would not be higher than marriage + 6 months.

What we can't know is if these numbers mean that only 2% of Indians wait until marriage with having sex while 98% have their debut at age 15 or something; or conversely if this means that 100% of all Indians have their debut in the last couple years before marriage.

Thus this can't be anything more than a guess. Here's my guess:

It's relatively rare for Indians to have sex as teenagers, certainly only a minority does, and probably more than 80% or something like that does.

It's common for Indians to does not wait with sex until at least close to the marriage.
An example distribution that is possible, and would match the data I mention at the start is this one:

2% of Indians wait until marriage with sex, and when they marry they have sex within the first month. 99% of Indians have sex before they marry; on the average these start having sex 2-3 years before they marry.

Please note that this is merely a guess that would fit the available data; it seems more or less plausible but I have no idea if it's actually a correct guess !

Written By Ravi Vaghasiya

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Monday, 22 August 2016


The Agility Tunnel: How to Train

Many people look at this exercise and think; this is so easy my dog will just breeze through this. Unfortunately, your dog may not see things that way. Some dogs first look at the tunnel has convinced themselves that the tunnel is nothing but a big dog eating tube, and what dog would want to go into a death tube?

I have witnessed people trying all kinds of ways to get their dog through the tunnel.

Picture this, owner and dog jumping and running about, both of them just having the best time. Then owner runs up to the tunnel opening, stops cold, right there dead in her tracks, looking down at Queenie, thinking that Queenie should somehow instinctively know that she is supposed to run through and come out the other end. Since Queenie is not picking up on any mental vibes, her owner gets down on all fours, trying to push Queenie's hind end through the tunnel. (That scene is funny enough for a spot on "America’s Home Videos.")

Training the tunnel is not tough. It just takes some thought, some patience, a clicker, and some high value treats. (If you don’t know about clickers and treats, please take a look at my featured content page entitled Operant Conditioning .)

Start out with the tunnel collapsed to a nice short tube. This way, when Queenie is at the opening she can easily see you. (Remember, she is a dog and has no idea that there is an exit to this thing.)

Now with the aid of a friend holding Queenie on lead at one end of the tube, you run to the other end, bend down, and looking straight through the tube, call Queenie. Now, the moment Queenie displays her bravery by taking that leap of faith, and moves through the tunnel when she gets to you, click, treat, and praise like crazy. Okay, we now have one down. Let’s repeat the whole process again. When Queenie runs the tunnel, you click, treat, and praise. Once she is bounding through, let’s start asking her to enter the tunnel with you at her side. When she is comfortable entering the tunnel, knowing that you will be with her at the exit point, treats in hand, start to lengthen it. Nothing big, just a foot or two, and when she is comfortable with that, repeat it again and again until you have reached the full length of the tunnel.

If you are going to have problems with the tunnel, this is where they will arise. Sometimes as you lengthen the tunnel, your dog will look at the new length and balk at going through. No problem for you. Just start over. Get your trusty friend and hold Queenie, just like you did when you began training the tunnel. If you did your homework and went nice and slow in the previous steps, this will not take long at all to overcome. When you can see that the very existence of a tunnel opening makes Queenie want to charge through, it’s time to start to bend the tunnel.

Once again, we may come across some resistance from Queenie with the bend. Since Queenie cannot see the exit, to her mind it is a solid wall. Again, with your praise and persuasion, you should get Queenie to once again display her bravery and take that leap of faith. When she does, it is your job to of course click, treat maybe even a jackpot, with lots of praise.

One thing I would like to caution, I have been told that some people are teaching the tunnel by using treats in a totally inappropriate way. Never throw the treat into the tunnel as an incentive for Queenie to go through. This may produce two wrong behaviors. First potential problem; Queenie may decide to start to sniff around inside the tunnel, just to see if anything is there. Why shouldn’t she? It has paid off before. Second potential problem, the act of throwing the treat into the tunnel becomes the cue for Queenie to enter the tunnel. Dogs are way more visual learners than auditory. So once you have conditioned her to that physical signal of throwing that treat, you are going to have to go back to step number one, and retrain the whole thing. Remember, it is much easier to train then to re-train.
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Wednesday, 17 August 2016


Some Facts about Dog Agility

Currently, dog agility trials have become more popular than ever. Its origins can be traced back to England, but "agility fever" has spread quickly around the world. Now you can find the sport of agility being practiced almost everywhere people enjoy their K-9 friends.

Even though there are many Agility Clubs across the nation. You need not to be necessarily affiliated with, nor live close to a club, to have a lot of fun exploring the abilities of your dog.

Dogs by nature are very intelligent animals and also love challenges. Not all breeds of dogs are the same. Each breed has its own assets and strengths. You can have a lot of fun exploring the abilities of your dog and should you get the "agility bug," you can always move up to start training for competitions.

Even if you never get to the point of wanting to participate at trials, it is always advisable to try to stay somewhat connected with a club to check up on various events or trends happening in your area. Agility people are a warm and friendly bunch. You will learn a lot, ranging from the training advice being shared by the more experienced in the game to the benefit of comradely of being with agility dog owners and their stories of success and failures. Dog agility events are not just for competitions. They give everyone, novice and pro alike, the chance to meet some amazing dog owners and some amazing dog performers.

Agility Equipment

In the 1980's, dog agility competition became very popular around the globe and since then, its fans have been searching for the top notch training equipment for dogs that is of higher quality than the home made variety, all the while keeping affordability of price as a priority.

There are various dog training obstacles for which some include dog walks; A-frames, weave poles, contact trainer, mini contact equipment, jumps (single, double, and triple), barrels, teeters, and chutes.

When it comes to choosing equipment whether it is for your own backyard fun or for competition, it should be of high quality, strong, and durable enough to withstand untold sessions of practice with no risk of injury to both you and your dog. All the while keeping the ease of construction, and the ease of dismantling, as a point of focus.

Remember, safety is first in priorities, as the most important thing when it comes to agility dog training equipment.
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Monday, 15 August 2016


Getting Ready for Agility

There you are with your new puppy, the one you have always dreamed of training, the world’s next agility superstar. You are just filled to the brim with excitement, even cleaned off a place on the mantel for all of his future awards.

We all do it, get overexcited about the future, but then just as quickly as we get that emotional high, reality sets in and we realize that he is only 10 weeks old. You certainly know that you cannot under any circumstances do any type of training utilizing most of the equipment used in agility. Remember, he is a baby with a baby’s set of very delicate set of parts that need to mature and strengthen.

But you want to start now, and you can and you should start now. Even though he won’t be leaping over any heavyweight jumps for quite some time, there is much you can and should be doing to ready him for the fun but strenuous activity of agility.

Of course one of your first orders of business with puppy is getting puppy out and about, seeing the world and learning new and exciting things. What better time to start to incorporate your agility training than now, when he is young and impressionable?

Of course your second task is to start a routine of positive reinforcement training. I think it goes without saying that until the basic commands are instilled, you should put off agility, but not some of the puppy pre-work.

Who is to say, that you cannot do the basic training, and at the same time incorporate some rudimentary agility stuff? What reason would anyone have to not want to start adding some exposure for agility? You already have treats and clicker in hand. (If you don’t know about clickers, please see my feature article on this Home Page.)

Let’s start with the table: There are literally hundreds of things that you can find when out for a walk to use as a table. Get him used to climbing up on anything that is low and sturdy enough for him to step onto. This simple thing can and will do so much for pup in building confidence later in life when he needs to get up on some unknown table. It’s no problem; he has put his paws on plenty of tables already.

Usually getting a puppy on a table is simple enough. Just lure him on with whatever he considers his favorite treat and he is there. Get him used to stepping up on all sorts of sizes and shapes of all kinds of surfaces. Once he lures on to the table easily, start adding the cue, “table,” or use whatever word happens to strike your fancy.

Now we have one obstacle down. How about the Buja? Getting him used to this one at a young age will do wonders for his coordination and confidence. Just make sure he is not too young for this one. Those little bones, muscles etc. still need time to develop.

Start off on the Buja, nice and slow (push him on this and you could set back things quite a bit.) You have nothing to gain by pushing him too fast. This is a scary thing to most puppies and dogs. Learn to like this use luring, his clicker, and treats.

Start off with a click and treat for just one paw on that board. When that is solid, up your requirements, to two paws on the board. Then work on luring him to all four on the board.

Remember, work with your puppy or dog and go at his pace, not yours. You are working on a partnership, not a dictatorship.

Another exercise is working on the perch. This also is of sufficiently minimal risk, so you can start at any age. Not to mention the added benefit of making puppy aware of his back end.

Training for this is exactly same as for the table or the Buja.

Just to recap:

1) Always do each step in small pieces.

2) Click and Treat for each individual step.

3) Lure a paw, then both front paws. That’s one command.

4) Then lure for getting all four squarely on the perch, two separate commands.

These are some ideas to get you started in developing that future agility superstar.

Best of Luck ...
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Sunday, 14 August 2016


13 Good Habits Can Take Care Your Self

1. Set specific time slots when you don’t work.

2. Start your day off with meditation.

3. Work out.

4. Get enough ZZZs.

5. Write a poem.

6. Keep a journal.

7. Talk to friends and family.

8. Wake up slowly.

9. Read something fictional.

10. Do yoga.

11. Listen to a podcast.

12. Put yourself on your schedule.

13. Make time for play.
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Saturday, 13 August 2016


Why Agility Train

There's such an extensive variety of reasons for dog agility. Just two considerations to take into account are your dog's talents as well as your aims. Are your aims to create a closer connection, while having fun, or is your ultimate goal to test your talents as well as your dogs, to climb the ladder of agility abilities? Would you like to build up some self-assurance in a fearful or timid dog? Or would you like to help a dog who is always in super active mode, get some of that pent up energy out of its system in a restricted and reasonable way? These things are important to take into account when starting off on this endeavor.

An agility training course utilizes various pieces of equipment; jumps, closed tunnel, weaves, tunnels, and the important pause table. It will be a nice touch to your training to have a complete set of agility gear sitting in wait at home, but it’s not needed. Equipment includes dog-walks, teeters and A-frames. You should try to get at least an obstacle. If you are unable to fit equipment in your yard or budget, then I would suggest a shorter walk to replace a 12' or better still, select from the smaller equipment available for in-home and ease in transport use. If the event space or budget prohibits multiple jumps, then you can use singles together, to mimic the others. Tire jumps, which are popular (and not too expensive) are a good item to get for backyard training. One of the "must have" pieces of equipment in a training program is the pause table. It is your point of beginning to build distance and teach the necessary direction commands to your dog. Weaves are also important in home equipment. What kind of weave depends on the method of weaving is being taught. Are you being taught using angled weaves, or straight lined weaves? If your teacher is teaching the straight, then makes sense to buy the exact same form of weaves. Buja boards are outstanding for fearful dogs that should develop confidence. There is a huge assortment of training guides which will be able to help and assist you concerning the equipment itself, plus help to train the kind of response you would like from your best friend.
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Thursday, 11 August 2016


Gujarati Whatsapp Status Quotes - Yo yo Gujarati

Gujarati is One of the popular language in India. Today We are going to share Best Gujarati Quotes, Gujarati Whats app Status & Gujarati Suvichar.

1) હવે વીજળીના ગરજવા કે વરસવાનો શું ફાયદો? તે માણસ જ જ્યારે પોતાનો ન રહેયો કે જે વીજળીના ડરને કારણે ગળે લાગી જતો હતો.

2) જ્ઞાતિ જન્મથી મળે છે,પણ સંસ્કાર તો ધર્મ થી જ મળે છે.

3) બદલાતી સીઝનની સાથે સ્થિતિ પણ બદલાઇ જાય છે. ક્યારેક દોસ્તો તો ક્યારેક તેમની ભાવનાઓ બદલાઇ જાય છે.

4) બંને ભાગીદાર છે આ અપરાધના, મેં જ્યારે નજર મિલાવી તમે સ્માઇલ તમે પણ આપી હતી.

5) અક્કલ આવી હતી સલાહ આપવા, પ્રેમે લાત મારીને ભગાડી દીધી.

6) કેટલાક લોકો પાણીને ગાળી ને પીવે છે પણલોહી તો સીધું જ પીતા હોય છે.

7) અનુભવાયું કે આખું શહેર મારાથી જલવા લાગ્યું છે, સાથે એ પણ જાણવા મળ્યું કે હવે આપણું નામ પણ ચાલવા લાગ્યું છે.

8) ઘણું બધું કેહવું હતું તમને પણ,ક્યારેક તમે ન મળ્યા ને ક્યારેક શબ્દો.

9) દુનિયાથી વફાદારીની આશા ન રાખો, જ્યારે દુઆ કબૂલ નથી થતી તો લોકો ભગવાનને પણ બદલી દે છે.

10) દિમાગ અને દિલમાં એટલો જ તફાવત છે જેટલો ઇનબોક્સ અને ફોનબુકમાં, ફોનબુકમાં હજારો મળે છે, પરંતુ ઇનબોક્સમાં માત્ર પોતાના જ હોય છે.

11) ખરીદી રહ્યો હતો મોહબ્બતના બજારમાંથી પ્રેમની ચાદર, ત્યાં અચાનક લોકોની અવાજ આવી, સાહિબ આગળથી કફન પણ લેશો.

12) એક પ્રેમીએ પ્રેમિકાને કહ્યું કે તે તેના માટે નરકમાં પણ જઇ શકે છે. પછી બંનેએ લગ્ન કરી લીધા, હવે પ્રેમી નરકમાં છે.

Comment which you like most or if you have any better than this.
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How To Search Overseas Buyer?

Find the some tips to find overseas buyer in International market.

1. Digital world changed each human being in the world widely for the past two decades. Information technology plays a vital role in all sectors especially in international business. Before 1990s, getting a contact of foreign buyer was a herculean task. Now world changed like anything. I will always put you as first tool of international marketing as the utilization of internet service.

How to use the service of internet in marketing your product?

a) As I have mentioned in previous article, launching of a quality website is a reflection of your firm and you can update time to time with necessary information about your product updating. You will get credibility and initial respect on your product and your firm as well. Uploading images of your product, manufacturing unit, manufacturing process etc. boost your reliability in international market.

b) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in searching the content tags of your details by any one looking for a supplier of product similar to yours.

c) Joining with Social media like face book, twitter, plaxo, linked in. Do not forget to regulate false comments by proper administration.

d) You tube; flicker, e-magazines etc. also can be used to increase your export market.

e) Writing articles on your website helps the readers of internet to identify your caliber in the trade.

2. Effective communication plays an important role in business market. If you can effectively communicate with the buyer to convince the quality and price of your product, the buyer will surely take initiation to ask you send sample of your product and later place the order.

3. You can send samples as per buyer’s requirements. While sending export samples, at least two sets of samples to be drawn properly. One you can send to the buyer and one can be retained with you. The sample you retained helps you to match with the sample you sent to buyer while manufacturing or procuring, once you obtained final purchase order from buyer.

4. Attend in Trade fair, exhibit your product. There are many International Trade fairs conducting within the country and abroad, where you can exhibit your product to attract foreign buyers.

5. Export promotion agencies have different source of contacts in international level. They help you to guide proper marketing in the trade. They also extend their services in finding buyers for your product.

6. Commodity Board also plays a vital role in international marketing to help their members to find a foreign market. You can have a frequent contact with them for necessary sales leads to communicate.

7. Government Embassies: Respective Government embassies extend their service in helping exporters to find an international market in their country.

8. Personal meet: Once you have a personal contact, you can visit the buyer in person and generate a good business relationship.

9. Appointing an Agent: Some of the exporters appoint an agent in the targeting country, and through the said agent exporter orders are procured. All the required services are done by this agent including the technical problems if any.

10. Through contacts of friends and relatives: Personal relationship of friends and relatives also helps to generate a good business relationship between buyer and seller for mutual benefits. Also read -Terms of Payment in Export and Import What happens if overseas buyer not paid export bills discounted 

I hope, the above tips on how to get export order help you to generate a good business.

Comment below your thoughts on How to get Export Order from overseas buyer?
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Wednesday, 10 August 2016


Remove PRISMA Watermark or Logo from Image

Hello friends, Here i will tech you about How to Disable, Hide or Remove Watermark from the PRISMA Application.

To do this, we just have to disable the watermark feature in PRISMA app, and that will remove any PRISMA Logo or Watermark from the images.

For that, there is no fees or subscription you need to opt for getting this watermark removed, it's free, it's just like we have not seen this feature earlier, and people are just keen to create a beautiful Cartoonist image instead of checking all settings we can tweak.

Removing PRISMA Watermark in iOS & Android App

For both the devices you need to navigate to the settings by pressing that small GEAR icon and then disable the watermark feature, I have done this on my iPhone check below.

After you have disabled the feature, just press Done, and your settings will get saved. Then you can use your application in a normal way like you did earlier, but this time, you won’t see any watermark.
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    Tuesday, 9 August 2016


    How to Crack a Job interview Successfully

    To have a successful interview and to make a lasting impression, the Body Language is very important. Postures and body movements are unconscious forms of expression and therefore they have a language of their own. We are unaware of our gestures and body movements most of the time, but other people can notice our gestures and movements if they pay attention and know what they mean.

    An important thing to be noted here is that body language applies not only to the Interviewer but also to the Interviewee. Also, note that these gestures may happen throughout the conversion or a discussion and they change as the conversation progresses.

    The objective of paying attention to nonverbal communication is to help you change the direction of the conversation. If the person is showing negative gestures; then you need to change the topic by asking a new questions or talking about something else.

    Here is a comprehensive list of probable body gestures, which you watch out for during the course of a Job interview:
    • Crossed arms means that person is in a defensive and reserved mood.
    • Crossed arms and legs means that the person is feeling very reserved and suspicious.
    • Open arms and hands means that the persion is open and receptive.
    • Standing before you with hands inside the pockets means he is not sure or fells suspicious.
    • Standing before you with hands on hips means he is receptive and ready to help you out.
    • Rubbing the back of head or touching the back of neck means the conversation is not really interesting.
    • Leaning back in chair with both hands clasped behind head means he is in an analytical mood, but it is also a gesture of superiority.
    • With the palm holding or supporting chin, he is in an evaluating position and being critical.
    • Sitting in a chair shaking one of the legs means he feels nervous and uncomfortable.
    • Rubbing or touching nose when asking a question means he is not telling the complete truth.
    • If the eyes are downcast and face turned away, it means he is not interested in what you are saying.
    • If he moves his body and sits with his feet and body pointing towards a door means he wants to end the conversation and leave the room.
    • If you are nervous try not to show it.
    • Don't play with your watch, clothes, bag etc. Try to maintain eye contact with the interviewer. 
    • Last but not the least, don't underestimate the importance of your posture and subtle movements.
    At Present, we have seen in the Newspapers, Internet and Heard in the TV that in almost all fields of Work , there is a tough competition between the Students, Employees, Workers etc. Everyone tries to become Successful in the field where they work but during Interviews, if you pay Little attention towards these above small things than probably you might have a Successful Interview.
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    Monday, 8 August 2016


    First Fundamental Skill in Agility

    One question often asked; what are the fundamentals one has to keep in mind or know to train in the sport of agility?

    Before preparing your dog for agility training, it is advised that the dog should first complete the basic obedience class. This is very important and should not be over looked.

    In my opinion, every dog and its handler must partake in an obedience class. You and your dog will get to learn more than just behaviors through obedience class. You will be learning the value of communication. This is what will develop the most important skill of all, teamwork.

    The exercises to help build that teamwork includes things like, sit-stays, recalls, down-stays and also heeling nicely on a leash. These skills are helpful not just in competition, but more importantly they should become a part of you and your dog’s day to day lives.

    The pace of your training is dictated by your dog, as each dog has its own abilities. Each dog has different learning speed and what may seem to be easy for one dog might not be that easy for another dog. So you will have to be patient with your dog in order for you to achieve your goal.

    When training your dog, every task is to be broken down to the simplest form, from the simple sit, to advanced obstacle training or the complex maneuverers of an agility sequence. If the task is broken down into simple steps, you are doing your dog a great favor by not stressing it out. You can then decide to make these tasks larger ones once you are certain of their knowledge of the previous steps.

    Of course you should be utilizing positive motivation training reinforcing each (baby) step as you move forward in the completion of each task. For example, if you are taking your dog through an agility tunnel task, first scrunch up the tunnel to a shorter length, then you would have someone place your dog at one end of the tunnel. Then, you being the owner of the dog, sit at the other end of the tunnel with clicker and a treat in hand. (In case you don’t know about clickers, see my post on this site devoted to this subject.) Then call your dog. As soon as your dog comes to you through the tunnel, it gets the click/reward. Then start expanding the tunnel, bit by bit, going longer and longer, but still click and treat for each successful run. Within a short time, your dog should be going through every tunnel like a champ, regardless of its length.

    Dogs are exceptional animals and some can become confused and emotional to the point of just wanting to shut down during agility training. Especially if they overly reprimanded for doing the wrong thing. (Of course, your goal as a concerned pet person is never to allow your dog to get to this point, ever.)

    As a trainer or handler, the best thing to do in times of your dog’s confusion, your job is to avoid scolding your dog. Instead, choose to simply ignore their improper performance by opting to just not reward any wrong behavior. This is one of the fundamental rules of positive motivation training (a/k/a operant conditioning.)

    Trying going back a step, or if necessary, two steps allowing them the opportunity to do the right thing and then click and treat them. This will help get your dog motivated to work on the right response.

    There are some trainers who use particular words (cues) to communicate with their dog when the dog does the wrong thing. Some of these words may be "uh-oh" or "oops," but not in a scolding tone. Over time most dogs will get to know that it did the wrong thing, and will voluntarily try again, thus maintaining that priceless friendship.

    Always remember to make the training session fun for both of you. (You and your dog.) This is important and helps a lot. If you get caught up in performance or competition, try to remember why you started the agility training. If your only focus is getting the behavior or winning that title, the game stops being fun. Whether it is during practice training or in a competitive trial, one of you should be having fun, and it better be your dog.

    Agility is a game of fun and at the same time, builds a good relationship between you and your dog. Never forget the main aim; run fast, run clean, and above all, have fun.
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    Agility Training: How Many Jumps To Have at Home?

    A common question the new Agility handler asks is how many jumps should be practiced with at home. Although there is no "right" answer, many Agility trainers agree that having at least four jumps is important.

    As a dog and handler team advances through Agility levels, increasingly difficult course layouts will be encountered. The basis for many advanced maneuvers is four single jumps set up in a box configuration, where the dog is expected to run through the arrangement as a "treadle" or as 270o turns. Not only will you be able to hone your handling skills with four jumps, but your dog will learn efficiency and collection on the course. Additionally, exposing your dog to these configurations as early as possible will place him ahead of the learning curve. The box layout can also help develop your dog’s close-quarters handling skills, allowing you to practice layering. You can also work on distance handling by staying inside the box and sending your dog away from you. With a little bit of imagination, four jumps can easily be used to simulate nearly every situation encountered during an Agility trial.

    If acquiring more jumps is in your budget, consider doubling the number of obstacles in your training arsenal. Having eight jumps provides you the option of either enlarging your box for practicing more difficult maneuvers, or even setting up two separate boxes and working on a number of skills and drills, even from a distance. Furthermore, eight jumps can help better simulate a typical course, which is essential for practicing speed and precision.

    A second reason to consider purchasing more than four jumps is to be able to build a double or triple jump. Simply place two or three single jumps close to one another to build an expanded jump. A useful drill is to have your dog run a given box configuration, and then finish with the extended jump to build endurance and strength. The more creative you are with your course design, the better chance you will have that your dog will not encounter anything unusual during competition that may result in a fault.

    For the ultimate at-home training facility, obtaining sixteen jumps would allow for optimum drills and handling practice, not to mention convenience. The ability to have separate box and course set ups, along with extended jumps, could prove to be an essential resource for helping your dog prepare for even the most difficult courses and challenges.
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    Sunday, 7 August 2016


    Difference between a freight forwarder and clearing agent

    What is the difference between a freight forwarder and clearing agent?

    This is one of the questions that many people ask.. The answer is that in the current economic and business scenario, the line dividing these two is quite thin...

    Freight Forwarder: Essentially secures the business of various exporters and importers and has the ability/facility to
    • storage the cargo belonging to the clients at their warehouse (usually all big forwarders have their own warehouses)
    • arrange the distribution or "forwarding" of the cargo as per the instructions of their client.. This could be a regular routing or various routings
    • negotiate freight rates with the shipping line to cover the interest of their clients
    • book the cargo with the shipping line as per the requirement of the client
    • prepare bills of lading and associated shipping/negotiating documentation (F178, Certificate of Origin, etc)
    • issue their approved house bill of lading as applicable
    • MAY or MAY NOT also do Customs Clearance
    • may or may not be accredited to customs, port etc and cannot do customs clearance if not accredited
    • almost viewed by clients as an alternative shipping line
    Clearing Agent: Essentially takes care of the customs clearance aspect of the business...
    • is a company accredited with the local customs authorities, border agencies, port etc
    • arranges to pass the relevant documents at customs
    • arrange for customs inspections as required
    • check and process Duty and VAT payments as applicable
    • apply for refunds etc where applicable
    • cannot issue own bills of lading if not registered or acting as a freight forwarder
    These are the major differences between a Freight Forwarder and Clearing Agent...
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    Saturday, 6 August 2016


    [FUN] How To Fix Any Computer?

    Today I came across a funny picture while surfing net . The funny picture is on how to fix any OS (Windows, Apple and Linux) based on the troubleshooting problems experienced by users across the globe.

    How to Fix Windows?

    How to Fix Apple?

    How to Fix Linux?

    Picture Source:

    What you think about these steps? Comment ...
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    Top 10 Indian and Chinese Exports

    Over the world China trade is 14.9 % and India trade is 1.8 % (June 2016)

    Top 10 Indian Exports

    The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Indian global shipments during 2015. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from India.

    1. Gems, precious metals: US$38.8 billion (14.7% of total exports)
    2. Oil: $30.9 billion (11.7%)
    3. Vehicles: $14.1 billion (5.3%)
    4. Machines, engines, pumps: $13.2 billion (5%)
    5. Pharmaceuticals: $12.5 billion (4.7%)
    6. Organic chemicals: $11.2 billion (4.3%)
    7. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $9.4 billion (3.5%)
    8. Electronic equipment: $7.9 billion (3%)
    9. Knit or crochet clothing: $7.8 billion (2.9%)
    10. Cotton: $7.5 billion (2.8%)

    Pharmaceuticals were the fastest-growing among the top 10 export categories, up 51.7% for the 5-year period starting in 2011.

    In second place for improving export sales were vehicles which gained 36.7% led by cars.

    Indian unknit and non-crocheted clothing posted the third-fastest gain in value at 34%.

    The only declining category among the top 10 Indian exports was oil which was down by -45.3% particularly refined petroleum products.

    Top 10 Chinese Exports

    The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Chinese global shipments during 2015. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from China.

    1. Electronic equipment: US$600.3 billion (26.3% of total exports)
    2. Machines, engines, pumps: $364.5 billion (16%)
    3. Furniture, lighting, signs: $98.7 billion (4.3%)
    4. Knit or crochet clothing: $83.8 billion (3.7%)
    5. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $78.5 billion (3.4%)
    6. Medical, technical equipment: $73.8 billion (3.2%)
    7. Plastics: $65.8 billion (2.9%)
    8. Vehicles: $62.7 billion (2.7%)
    9. Iron or steel products: $60.6 billion (2.7%)
    10. Footwear: $53.6 billion (2.3%)

    Furniture, lighting and signs were the fastest-growing among the top 10 export categories, up 66.4% for the 5-year period starting in 2011.

    In second place for improving export sales were plastics which rose 44.9%.

    Chinese electronic equipment posted the third-fastest gain in value at 34.7%, followed by footwear up by 28.5%.

    The slowest-growing among the top 10 Chinese exports was machinery which appreciated a tepid 3% and knit or crochet clothing which was up by 4.6%.
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    25 Most Interesting Computer Facts

    Here is a collection of 25 Most Interesting Computer Facts

    1. 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women

    2. Another name for a Microsoft Windows tutorial is "Crash Course"!

    3. Bill Gates house was designed using a Macintosh computer.

    4. By the year 2012 there will be approximately 17 billion devices connected to the Internet.

    5. Domain names are being registered at a rate of more than one million names every month.

    6. E-mail has been around longer than the World Wide Web.

    7. For every 'normal' webpage, there are five porn pages.

    8. In the 1980's, an IBM computer wasn’t considered 100% compatible unless it could run Microsoft Flight Simulator*.

    9. MySpace reports over 110 million registered users. Were it a country, it would be the tenth largest, just behind Mexico.

    10. One of every 8 married couples in the US last year met online.

    11. The average 21 year old has spent 5,000 hours playing video games, has exchanged 250,000 e-mails, instant and text messages and has spent 10,000 hours on the mobile phone.

    12. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.

    13. The first banner advertising was used in 1994.

    14. The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in around 1964 and was made of wood.

    15. The first domain name ever registered was

    16. The world’s first computer, called the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.

    17. There are approximately 1,319,872,109 people on the Internet.

    18. There are approximately 1.06 billion instant messaging accounts worldwide.

    19. While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.

    20.70% of virus writers work under contract for organized crime syndicates.

    21.A program named "Rother J" was the first computer virus to come into sight "in the wild" - that is, outside the single computer or lab where it was created.

    22.The worst MS-DOS virus ever, Michelangelo (1991) attacked the boot sector of your hard drive and any floppy drive inserted into the computer, which caused the virus to spread rapidly.

    23.A virus can not appear on your computer all by itself. You have to get it by sharing infected files or diskettes, or by downloading infected files from the Internet.

    24. Country with the highest percentage of net users is Sweden (75%).

    25. The first popular web browser was called Mosaic and was released in 1993.
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    Friday, 5 August 2016


    Indian Latest Foreign Trade Policy 2015 - 2020

    Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 of India is ready to declare on 1st of April, 2015 at Vigyan Bhawan at 3.30PM.

    The new foreign trade policy 2015-2020 is kept ready to make necessary shape after forming new Government,on 1st of April, 2015. However, the validity of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 will be with effect from the first notification at the time of declaration of FTP 2015-20. The FTP 2015-20 comes in to force with effect from 01st April 2015. 

    Changes in schemes and incentives are expected in new Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20. However, the status quo might be maintained under some of the schemes. The priorities of policies taken by new government also are likely to be incorporated in new Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 (FTP 2015-20).
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    How to be Happy??? #10 Thinks to LET GO

    “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”   

    Dr. Seuss

    1. Let Go of toxic people in your life

    2. Let Go of your past mistakes.

    3. Let Go of the need to be right.

    4. Let Go of feeling sorry for yourself.

    5. Let Go of negative self-talk.

    6. Let Go of the need to impress others.

    7. Let Go of limiting beliefs.

    8. Let Go of complaining.

    9. Let Go of Gossip.

    10. Let Go of worrying about the future.
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    How To Check Your Remote Control Using Your Mobile's Camera

    Hi friends i'm back with a new trick. Yesterday i struck with a problem (i.e) My TV remote is not working I replaced the battery of my remote but even-though it is not working. Then i taught that there would be some problem with my remotes circuit. I just tried to search for these problems online. Unfortunately i came with a trick to check my remote's control using mobile's camera. After doing this trick only i came to realize that there was some problem with my TV and not with my Remote.

    Here is what i did:
    • Open the Camera on you mobile.
    • Then keep your remote's head near the camera.
    • Then press the remote's buttons you can see the light ray visible on your mobile's camera (If your remote is working)
    See the screenshots below:

    How it works:
    • The 'Infra-Red' light that comes from a remote is usually invisible........ until viewed digitally.
    • Just look at a Digital camera LCD display whilst getting someone to use the remote aimed at the camera.
    • You should see little flashes of White light. This works best close-up, in a darkened room.
    • (You could also use a camcorder, and of course any mobile phone with a camera. Try it!)
    • If you dont have a digital camera, just operate the remote near the aerial of a radio, switched to AM or MW. (but not FM.)
    • You should hear a blip, or pulsing sound if your remote if functioning properly.
    Hope this helps you too... If so feel free to comment or share this post.
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    Thursday, 4 August 2016


    Make Profit as a Freelance Writer

    A freelance writer has more opportunities to earn a living than have ever existed. Back in the 20th century, a freelance writer had only a very small chance of even getting their work published at all. Even writers who were hired to write directly for businesses were generally only hired for short term low paying contract work. 

    In the age of the internet, though, demand for the written word is higher than ever in history. Every website you see has some type of written content on it. 

    This could be anything from a few paragraphs to hundreds of articles to full books. Nearly every business that wants to market their products or services on the internet needs a constant supply of well written content. There are also more ways than ever to deliver that content to the consumer.

    If you want to make a living as a writer today, all you need is a computer and an internet connection and you are fully set up and ready to go. Control your own schedule and work where you want to. All you need is the drive to get the job done and a little knowledge about marketing. You can pick up all sorts of regular freelance work without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. In addition, a writer no longer has to spend years trying to convince a publisher to print their book or novel. Everything can now be done online, including marketing.

    If you want to make a profit as a freelance writer, you don't have to worry much about business expenses. You just need to sit down and write every single day. The most effective way to get noticed and to pick up lucrative writing jobs is to have a substantial portfolio of work to show to potential employers. Make it easy for potential clients to be able to find your work and determine if you are a good fit for their business. Regularly submit articles to reputable websites in order to get links published back to your own website where you offer your writing services.

    If you have specialized knowledge, be sure to take advantage of it. Quite a few writers specialize in specific subject areas and even in specific types of content. For example, if you have experience and knowledge in the real estate business, market your services to real estate agents for their websites and customer newsletters. If you enjoy writing long detailed works, then market yourself as an eBook writer, or better yet publish books of your own through Amazon’s Kindle platform. If you enjoy writing marketing material, then market yourself as a copywriter and help others with sales pages, autoresponder emails and web content. Most writers do a little bit of each of those things, but you can feel free and make a profit doing the tasks you do best.

    One of the easiest ways to market your self is by joining some of the freelancing web sites such as or You can probably find many more with an easy Google search. These sites can help you get a fast start while you market yourself to higher paying clients. Each of these sites has different procedures but usually the process involves potential employers posting jobs they need done and the freelancers have the opportunity to bid on the jobs. Once you have won the bid for the job, the payment is placed in escrow until you successfully complete the job. There are also sites such as where you can simply "claim" jobs and you get paid through the site when you complete the work.

    Another great source for freelance writing work is the local business community. All businesses need to have a marketing presence on the internet today and those businesses need web content. A lot of it. Local businesses today need to hire writers. Blogging is a perfect way for a business to continually build a relationship with potential customers and most business owners don’t have the time to do it Join local business networking groups and give presentations on online marketing (including the need for regular content). Offer to provide that content for those businesses for a regular monthly fee.

    If you want to make a living as a writer, spend a few hours each day or every other day working on your writing and another few hours each day or every other day soliciting clients and before you know it, you your career as a freelance writer will be underway.
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