- Java is both a programming language as well as a well developed technology.It was found by Sun MicroSystems.
- In java source code is converted to ByteCode by JVM .
- Java is platform independent, only thing we need is jvm on the platform which comes in all operating systems by default.
- java has support to open source platform.
- java is not provied mutilanguage
- java can be make program many diff operating system but in .net can be used make program for any programming language VB,VC++,C#,ASP into windows OS.
- .Net is a framework found by Microsoft which supports multiple languages like C#,VC++,VisualBasic,Web related applications such as ASP etc
- while in .NET code id converted to MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language Code)bythe CLR supported by .NET.
- .net is also platform independent as it needs only .net framework,but since m$ owns the copyright to the .net framework api's,it becomes platform dependent.
- In .NET due to disconnected data access through ADO.NET, has a high level performance against JDBC which requires multiple roundtrips to the data baseAnd Now a days MS people are saying that .NET can support more than 40 languages.Its Majaor advantage is the Visual studio.Net which is highly efficient than anyother IDE.
- .net has no direct support for open source platform.
- .net provied multi-language