Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Blog No Baap

5 Ways Your Company Can Give Back This Holiday Season

The holidays are a tricky time of year for employee engagement. While the season of giving offers plenty of fun and merriment, it also creates a whole lot of stress for everyone – both at work and at home. So how can you help keep your people merry and bright?
One way is through volunteering. Whether a donation drive or off-site opportunity, helping your people help others during the holiday months can boost employee engagement and provide a great opportunity to showcase your values as a company.
Need inspiration? Here are five ways your company can give back this holiday season:

1. Movember

For 30 days in November, millions of men in 22+ countries around the world will grow their finest mustaches to raise funds and fight some of the biggest health issues facing men today, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.
A fun and easy way to build camaraderie and do good, Movember isn’t just for the men in your company – women can help fundraise, too, by participating in a Movember Move challenge, in which any fitness goal, from climbing a mountain to running a 10K, is game.
To learn more about how your company can participate, visit the Corporate Moustachery page.

2. #GivingTuesday

A global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration, #GivingTuesday takes place every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.), right on the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
A great way to kick off the charitable season, #GivingTuesday makes it easy for your company to give back with a complete toolkit, case studies, and other useful resources to inspire you on how to get involved.
Visit their website to learn more.

3. Toys for Tots

Since 1947, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation has been collecting and distributing toys for disadvantaged children, spreading hope and joy during a time of year when it might not otherwise be there.
Your company can get involved in a couple of different ways, either by hosting a Toys for Tots event at your office, becoming a toy drop site, or by volunteering at a local warehouse. Toy collections begin in October and last till mid-December.
Want to learn more? Connect with your local Toys for Tots program here.

4. Senior visits

It’s estimated that 60% of nursing home residents don’t receive regular visitors. (1) This isolation and loneliness intensifies during the holiday season, when music, movies and food evoke memories and nostalgia at every turn.
Your company can partner with local senior organizations to provide much-needed social interactions for these isolated elders in your community.
To find the right opportunity, use VolunteerMatch’s search tool.

5. Feeding America

In the U.S. today, there are 42 million people facing hunger – including nearly 13 million children and more than five million seniors. Hunger touches every community in our country and knows no boundaries.
The Feeding America network of food banks secures and distributes 4 billion meals each year. Your company can help fight against hunger by partnering with your local food bank, either via donating or volunteering.
Find out who your local food bank is and how to contact them here.

Engagement all year long

Engaging your employees isn’t just important during the holidays. Discover how to boost satisfaction year-round in our eBook, Complete Guide to Employee Engagement Activities.

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